Kevin Jörgensen

Kevin Jörgensen

3 posts

With a huge passion for innovation, Kevin is dedicated to shedding light on professional display solutions and the innovative ways companies implement them. Join him in exploring the engineering marvels of monitors and touchscreens as they make a tangible impact in real-world applications.

6 Tipi di Touchscreen e le Loro Meccaniche
6 Tipi di Touchscreen e le Loro Meccaniche
Diversi tipi di touchscreen
Che cos'è un touchscreen resistivo e come funziona?
Che cos'è un touchscreen resistivo e come funziona?
Spiegazione dei touchscreen resistivi
4-Draads vs. 5-Draads Resistieve Touchscreens
4-Draads vs. 5-Draads Resistieve Touchscreens
Verschillende Resistieve Touchscreens
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